The books I’m recommending fit with my approach of trying to create perspective and awareness in areas I think are essential to achieving your goals. These areas include Focus, Intention, Decision Making, Connection with People and Time. Each author provides a treasure of information. Even if you pick up only a few nuggets and implement them in your life, you’ll become a better person. A ship that alters its course only a few degrees arrives in a very different destination over time.

Real and lasting change is hard. If you’re reading this, you’re either a polite friend or family member hoping to make me feel better, or you are interested in making a change in your life (or possibly both). If you are interested but possibly a bit intimidated at the prospect of change, keep this in mind – if you change nothing, nothing changes. If you are happy with the key areas of your life – well done! If you aren’t fully satisfied, if you change nothing, nothing changes. Of course you know this in your mind, but really – if you change nothing, nothing changes. It’s a fact. Maybe you’ll get lucky and things will improve, but luck is a poor strategy for lasting change. So, one more time – if you change nothing, nothing changes.

Checkout my program to see if I can help you.

Outwitting the Devil

Napoleon Hill

After giving the reader his background as context, Hill conducts a question and answer session with the ”Devil”. Hill’s goal is to uncover the elements that lead people to “drift” and go through life without true purpose and intentionality. The ”Devil” freely admits to his treacherous methods and doesn’t care who becomes aware of his tricks. The ”Devil” is convinced that even knowing his tricks, most people aren’t strong enough to overcome them! Is He correct?


Dan and Chip Heath

The Heath brothers‘ books are crisp and clear. They provide their material in plain language and illustrate their concepts with real life stories and examples. They summarize each section to make sure you have it before moving forward in the book. This is a hallmark of their writing and why I recommend all of their books. I focus on Decisive and The Power of Moments because I think they are exceptionally applicable to my areas of focus.

Decisive - The Heath brothers create a framework for good decision making and lead you through it piece by piece. Learn how to avoid decision making biases and pitfalls and how to create a powerful decision making process. Once you become aware and understand these concepts, you’ll notice them all around you.

The Power of Moments

Dan and Chip Heath

The Heath brothers’ books are crisp and clear. They provide their material in plain language and illustrate their concepts with real life stories and examples. They summarize each section to make sure you have it before moving forward in the book. This is a hallmark of their writing and why I recommend all of their books. I focus on Decisive and The Power of Moments because I think they are exceptionally applicable to my areas of focus.

The Power of Moments - Discover the key elements of creating moments that last, why that’s important, and the power those moments hold. The concepts the Heath brothers reveal and illustrate will help you move from creating “eh” moments to creating powerful moments that will make all the difference.

The ONE Thing

Gary Keller

Keller describes his “ONE Thing” methodology which will help you define your goals and create the focus and mindset to achieve those goals. The sooner you learn and understand this approach, the more likely you are to increase your chances of achieving your goals and living a life that is intentional and fulfilling.


Greg McKeown

McKeown’s Essentialism is about focusing on the most important elements (you guessed it - the “essentials”) with “a relentless pursuit of less but better and pursuing it in a disciplined way”. You’ll learn how to tell the difference between the most important / valuable things and everything else.

The Four Hour Work Week

Tim Ferriss

The Four Hour Work Week is geared toward entrepreneurs, but to me it illustrates a mindset of how to value and protect your time, the only asset you can't replace. Ferriss gives many “hacks” to fiercely protect your time and provides his approach of - “eliminate, automate, delegate”.

Sense of Urgency

John P. Kotter

Kotter helps you understand what it means to identify something as urgent and how to treat it that way. He illustrates the concept of a false sense of urgency and how to avoid its trappings. He helps you understand that true urgency focuses on critical issues, instead of unimportant and trivial things that create business.

Stories for Work

Gabrielle Dolan

In Stories for Work, Dolan teaches the power of storytelling and making a connection with your audience. She provides a methodical approach to identifying your stories and how to incorporate them into your communications. Don’t let the title limit you, telling impactful stories to connect with your audience and make personal connections goes well beyond the work setting.

No Ego

Cy Wakeman

Wakeman breaks down the villain of emotional waste and how to minimize it. She illustrates the havoc “ego” behavior has on not only lost productivity and time, but the emotional toll it takes on everyone around it. I’ve used the tools and questions she provides and it has worked - every time!

Design Your Future

Dominick Quartuccio

In Design Your Future, Quartuccio provides a direct and straightforward approach to identifying when you are drifting and what you can do about it. He pushes you to move from drifting to awakening and provides a framework for designing a life that you can’t wait to live into.


Angela Duckworth

Duckworth explores the concept of “grit” and the vital role it plays. She connects the concepts she uncovered in her work with the military to the role grit plays in our lives. She illustrates a framework for setting goals and then breaking them down into achievable components.

Life is Magic

Jon Dorenbos

The only book I’ve ever read that made me cry. Dorenbos tells the story of his life in an honest and open way. You’ll be inspired by how he’s overcome everything he’s been through and how he handled it with grace, humility and dignity. I was fortunate to meet Jon in person and you can literally feel his vibrancy and zest for life.