
Testimonial – Nino Lazaro

May 20, 2020

“When I first came to Cigna in 2013 and met Michael, I had experience as a salesperson but not as much in the middle market which requires the rigor of finalist presentations and other formal ways of doing business. It was a different ballgame for me and there were many challenges that I faced both personally and professionally.

Michael’s mentorship helped me to achieve early success as a salesperson at this company and I was able to accelerate through the learning curve faster with his guidance. I qualified for Gold Circle in the first 2 years that I joined the company.

Michael has always taken a keen interest in my development even though I was not his direct report since he led our national organization. I am fortunate to be able to draw upon Michael’s great advice and tutelage both personally and professionally. For anyone who has achieved some level of success, one universal trait are the mentors that inspired you along the way.

Michael Young is a consummate professional and he motivates me to become a better person with his steady approach towards achieving your life goals. I am a top sales performer at my current organization and will work with Michael to achieve the next level of success.”