When is enough actually enough? It’s a question we face in many aspects of our lives – whether or not we even realize that we’re facing the question. Am I good enough? Smart enough? Tough enough? Do I look good enough? Dress well enough? Do I have enough money? Security? Have I done enough work? Have I exercised enough? Am I eating enough of the right foods? Am I being a good enough friend? Family member? Parent? Sibling? When have I watched enough TV? Read enough? Slept enough? Have I heard enough? Said enough? Seen enough?
Had enough? You get the idea.
How do you begin to answer the question? Can you even answer that question? Even if you do answer the question in the moment, is that enough?
The first step is becoming aware of when you are facing the “When is enough, enough?” question. Only when we have the awareness, can we put the question in perspective and begin to answer it
I think “When is enough, enough” can be really difficult to answer, especially when you are trying to answer it alone. My theory is that working through the “awareness, perspective, answer” process can be more productive when you have help.
For example, I’m challenged with the question: “Is my writing good enough?” That goes well beyond this article (although maybe you’ve formed your opinion on that!). I’m writing a book about life lessons and every day I’m wrestling with “Is it good enough? Helpful enough? Are my standards high enough?” In my quest to get it “right” and be good enough, I haven’t put any of my work out there for people to read and react. Is that really a way to procrastinate and not give others the chance to answer the “Is it good enough” question for me? This article is my attempt to break through that challenge.
What is the “When is enough, enough?” question you are facing? Send me a note and let me know what you are facing.
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